Forgot when since I last posted. Its been awhile tho. So here I am! Was so busy for the past few months. Mid-term,exams,exams,exams,and still exams. Sign, what a stressful year goddamnit. Pardon my language.
Thankgod the break is here now! But unfortunately it's going to end tmr D: back to school life on monday naaaaaaaaaw. Meh life moves on. Btw, watched conjuring 2 last night and it was AS SCARY AS HELL! The demon in the painting was terribly ugly and awful man. With her dark circle around her eyes. What was surprising was, this movie producer is a Malaysian: O Malaysia actually has talented people!
Anyways here are some of the pics I have taken last few days.
Korean BBQ w family last Friday!
went to mini cafe for lunch with baby!
Spaghetti & mushroom egg burger
2D1N trip to Cameron highland with family was great! :D
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, my 18th bday celebration!! Thanks to those who came and wished me:)
So yeah, this is how I spent my 2weeks holiday. Thanks for reading.